Egyptian Experiment
Even though I am Egyptian, I lived most of my life in France. I wondered what was so different about Egypt, what are the things I wouldn't see in France, so i decided to visually document Egypt.

It is common in Egypt to find fruit vendors right beside the road. They are illegal vendors, yet the local authorities decide to look past them.

The west always promotes car pooling. I thought this was an ironic way of carpooling. It is not safe nor secure, it is just because they lack space, yet it is still carpooling.

You may believe that those are poor housing conditions. Well those people might still be considered lucky for they have a house to live in. That's how poor the living conditions are in Cairo

Those women and kids on the side of the road aren't a happy family roaming around. They are beggars/tissue sellers. Most people consider that the tissues are just an excuse to beg. They are informal workers yet the law overlooks them.

Another informal fruit vendor at the end of the high way

View from the Christian side of a cemetery.